
Implement OpenAPI specification for WebApi by Swagger

Today, APIs have greatly influenced the web. The stronger the API documentation is, the better and more useful the API will be. A good API can become a useless tool when people don’t know how to us...

The Command Query Separation (CQS) Design Principle

This article aims to describe the Command Query Responsibility Separation (CQRS) design principle, its advantages and disadvantages, and how to implementing this pattern in .NET with an example. In...

Clean Architecture

In this article, an attempt has been made to present the basic concepts and principles of clean architecture, along with a sample project. There are many proposed architectures for implementing sof...

Multi-Layer Software Architecture

One of the most popular architectural patterns for software development is Multi-layered software architecture. By using this architecture, you can speed up the process of doing developing and also...

Facilitating Mediator Pattern in .NET by using MediatR

This article aims to describe the mediator design pattern and how to facilitating using this pattern in .NET with an example. First, the basic explanations and concepts will be mentioned, then the ...

Plugin-based (MicroKernel) Architecture

This article aims to describe the plugin architecture with an example. First, the concepts and high-level architecture will be described. After that, the given explanations will be implemented with...

Performance of Array vs Generic List in C#

Array and list are two structures that are used a lot. According to the type of application, you can choose one of them. As a rule, the list is most desired by .net programmers due to its dynamic n...